: guidelines
justwrite.lol was built to help everyone practise daily writing. this is our north star.
to this end, there are very few cases in which we will remove or block your content on this platform. this should all be common sense, but since some people need it spelled out in simple terms...
do this:
- practise writing a little each day.
- stretch your creativity and try new writing styles/structures.
- warm-up before working on your writing projects.
- be funny and let the world know it.
don‘t do this:
- spread hate. no hate speech, sexism, racism, homophobia, transphobia or bullying others for any reason. just be nice.
- spam. no repeated content posted purely to pollute the space, advertise a product or website, or produce backlinks.
- steal content. don‘t post content you don‘t have the rights to. write your own content ya thievin‘ dingus. it‘s not that hard.
- post nsfw (not safe for work, 18+) content without tagging it as such. by all means, write all the smut you want, just please tag it as nsfw using the provided checkbox. let‘s protect the kids from your depraved mind, you filthy, horny devil you.
we retain the right to delete any content or ban any person from the platform for any reason, but it will almost always be for one of the above.
if you feel you have been punished unfairly, get in touch and we will review your appeal. don‘t bother appealing if you‘re blatantly violating the rules.
tldr: be nice, respect others, write.