
: about

justwrite.lol was made by Jay Adra, an australian web developer and writer, as a fun side project.


i love to write, but i don‘t do it enough. this game is as useful for me as it is for you. let‘s both write more, and expand our comfort zone in the process.

you can learn more about the origins of it on my blog.

how do you make money?

i don‘t lol. there are no ads on the site.

if you like the game and want to support it, you can consider tipping. it helps cover the costs of the site.

if you‘d like to support the site in other ways, share it with others and encourage more people to practise daily writing.

who owns my writing?

you do. we give you a secure place to store it, but you will always retain full rights to anything you write on here (and we don‘t use it to train ai).

we take a private-first approach, so anything you write is private by default, unless you opt into sharing it publicly. read more in our privacy policy.

do you limit what i can write about?

practically, no. technically, yes.

read our guidelines to learn what we don‘t allow. breaking these guidelines may result in your account being limited or deleted.

why do you hate capital letters?

it‘s actually the opposite. the grammar across this site is intentional.

a healthy reminder that the writing you do here doesn‘t need to be perfect. it‘s more about a daily practice than producing a polished result.